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Youth Race

Welcome to the 19th Annual CDBA Youth Race! It has been close to three years since we last hosted a youth race and we are excited to create a great experience for our youth paddlers. Our 2022 Youth Race will be Saturday, April 30 from 8am to 4pm (PT), and take place at Lake Merced in San Francisco.

Registration is now open! Instructions for waivers and manifests will soon follow. Crews must contain a minimum of eight (8 ) and a maximum of ten (10) of each gender. All paddlers must be fully enrolled in high school. All CDBA steers people must be certified through CDBA (with red cards).

Registration fees are based on Mixed Crews. Each Mixed Crew registered also receives 0.5 entry into Open, and 0.5 entry into Womens.

  • CDBA team: $350

  • Non-CDBA local team: $475

  • Visiting team: $200

CDBA Teams: Please have your primary POC submit the team registration and pay the registration fees. The main information needed is simply how many crews you plan to enter into the 2022 Youth Race so that we can start planning race day events.

Non-CDBA local teams and Visiting teams: Please have your primary POC create an account (select "non-CDBA Adult/College/Youth" member type) in order to submit the team registration and pay the registration fees. Once your POC has registered, we will send an email to them with further information about how to get the rest of your team into the system.

Please note: No parking in the park. Please plan to carpool or carshare. Parking will be available at Sunset Circle.

Our goal is to create a fun, competitive event for our youth paddlers. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Race Director Thomas Chu.

We are always looking for volunteers for the event. If you're not paddling and would like to help out, please sign up here.

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